Postanite dio Building franšize
Building.hr posluje po modelu franšiza, omogućujući partnerima upravljanje platformom na svojim tržištima.
Pridruživanjem našoj franšizi preuzimate vođenje operacija u određenoj regiji te razvijate lokalnu mrežu korisnika i ponuditelja.
Kao partner, dobivate pristup provjerenom poslovnom modelu i podršku za izgradnju uspješnog poslovanja.
Join usStvarajmo mrežu partnera zajedno
Sudjelujte s nama u strategiji povećanja naše franšizne mreže te opsega i rasta poslovanja.
Širimo geografsku pokrivenost pronalaskom idealnih partnera kako bismo zajedno unaprijedili tržišta raznih industrija.
Kontaktirajte nas i provjerite je li i vaša zemlja među našim područjima interesa.
Prednosti koje vam nudimo
The rapid development of digitalization of the system requires changes in each industry in individual business segments.

Ubrzani poslovni i komunikacijski procesi
Razvojem alata omogućena je jednostavnija komunikacija, brži tijek informacija, transparentnost tvrtke i i vođenje poslovnih procesa.

Provjeren model poslovanja
Primatelj franšize dobiva pristup uspješnom poslovnom modelu koji je već istražen, testiran i optimiziran za tržište.

Primjena know-how pristupa
Partneru je automatski zajamčen prijenos praktičnog iskustva uspješnog lidera sa specifičnim znanjem o industriji.
Kontaktirajte nas za suradnju
Ako ste zainteresirani za pridruživanje našoj franšizi ili imate drugi poslovni upit, kontaktirajte nas i odgovorit ćemo vam u najkraćem mogućem roku.
Gradite poslovanje uz Building.hr
What do you get by signing a franchise with Building
Building is an informative and intuitive platform dedicated to construction. This is the first platform in Croatia created for all entities in the construction market that represent the present and future of the industry.
The main goal of the platform is to connect and advance the construction industry and everyone who works closely with it. This way, your company gets exposure, new leads, projects and a digital connection to everyone in the industry in one place.
It gives you the opportunity to connect, share your projects, find valuable and relevant information in no time, no matter where you are.
The registration process in the Building is quick and easy. First you need to fill out a short form about your company so that we can put you in our database. This step (registration) is free.
After that, you will get access to the platform as a member and you will be able to see different packages from our offer – START, GROW, DEVELOP and PREMIUM package. Each package provides you with different options, and you choose which one best suits your needs.
If you want to change your chosen package and enhance your experience, you can do so whenever you want.
The building platform is designed to bring the construction industry together in one place in the fastest and most efficient way. Easy communication and removal of physical barriers allows you to communicate with anyone from the industry immediately as needed. Be part of the fastest growing digital community of builders in Croatia, and in the future and beyond.
Imagine what all the opportunities would be for all construction companies in one country if they could find the necessary information, goods, tools, subcontractors or experts in a particular field at any time? Building aims to create a unique database that will include all participants in the construction industry so that they can all find the necessary information about jobs, ongoing projects, supply and demand for goods, services, tools, etc. In this way, we want to raise the organization of the entire construction industry and increase efficiency and productivity throughout the country.